Monday, September 5, 2011

Why Bayat?

Why Bayat?

The need of Bayat narrated in Holy Quran as ;
"O People in faith, search for affinity, and fight in a direction, which prosper you".
The Bayat does not mean, to perform good deeds, but the real bayat can occur, once you have an enlightened spiritual leader. It is every Muslims duty to obtain piousness, but it only can empower your psyche, once you self-denial your inner self. It is like a student cannot obtain knowledge with out a mentor; similarly a devotee cannot seek divine knowledge, or purify inner self with out the merciful glance of a spiritual leader.
Hazrat Gous Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gillani r.a stated in His book GAHINA ALTALEEBEN,
“A person cannot obtain divine knowledge, with out the guidance of the inclusive spiritual guider. Also in further level, a knowledge seeker or a Talib (Spiritual student) should not scattered himself from his inclusive spiritual leader until he receive complete divine knowledge. This quotes the concept, that a true believer cannot obtain certain levels of wisdom or spiritual knowledge, unless he/she bless by the Spiritual leader. By the sayings of Aulia Allah, a human can only obtain refinement and intuited divine knowledge, only by the blessing (Nuzur e Kurum) of Aulia Allah. With out the companionship with Aulia Allah, a human cannot access to Allah or to HIS immaculate creation. It is not only the Quran and Sunnah to teach the right path, but we can empower our selves by devoting our every action by the willingness and acceptance of Aulia Allah. The concept also states, to receive complete edification.
There is no other, then mentor who can correct our spirits. For a complete and true guidance, we must follow our August Hazrat Baba Tajuddin Aulia.
For the physical decontamination is the Waddu, whereas for the spiritual purification is the bless sight of your Murshid. When the moment of death arrives, the devil force to engross you from the guidance, because once Allah’s believer distract from the right track, no other alternate can make him correct. To protect oneself, one should do the Bayat, or the guiding hand of your Murshid to protect you from devil and his apostles. The importance escalates to safe guard you at the time of discretion.

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