Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hazrat Baba Khair Muhammad حضرت بابا خیر محمد قادری چشتی


Hazrat Baba Khair Muhammad
Urdu: حضرت بابا خیر محمد قادری چشتی
Silsila: Qadria Chistia
Date of Wisaal: August 10, 1955
Date of Urs: July 5th
East Gangal, Islamabad Highway, Islamabad, Pakistan
A man was driving his PIA wagon on a normal route on Islamabad Highway on a cold night in '90s. He visited a shrine situated in the valley of a small hill near the Koral Chowk. This was late at night and the Mazar was enshrouded with trees. A man prayed at the Mazar and felt great satisfaction. This was not a special visit to this Mazar by this man. He was a frequent visitor to this Mazar and had regarded his duty to perform salutions to Mazars wherever he used to find them. Afterall, we are muslims because of these great Saints who spent their whole lives in the service of God.
But this night, he encountered a rather special event. He found another old man sitting adjacent to the Qaber (grave) with the shawl of the Qaber over him. He asked him, "why are you wearing the Mazar's shawl?" The old man glanced at him and replied with ease, "why shouldn't I wear my own shawl?" The man was praying the salutions at the same time during this conversation. He did not care what he said and returned to his car.
Suddenly he realised that the old man was actually saying that he himself was the Man of the Mazar, the Sahib-e-Qaber, who transmigrated in 1955 (10 August). He went back to Mazar immediately and found no other person than himself.
Some days later, the Sahib-e-Qaber, Hazrat Baba Khair Muhammad visited the man in his dream and said, "the ignorant people are disturbing me and disrecpting me, so I command you to take me out of the grave and bury oppsite side of the road in the graveyard." This dream was remarkable but demanded a great task which very few people in the history dared to achieve. He waited some days in confusion as what to do when he met some people at the Mazar who also acknowledged to see the Hazrat in their dreams demanding the same task. Some people informed him that the road planners are really disturbing this Mazar and want to demolish it so that they could expand the Islamabad Highway. Surprisingly their bulldozers normally get stucked and do not move ahead from a certain distance.
Thus, the man contacted the family of Hazrat in Kotli Sattian and got permission from them. But the permission of the family wasn't enough in this 'grave concern'. The man visited many shrines in the country and discussed it with many other Sufi saints. They all agreed that this task must be accomplished.
After a great home work, finally on 20th July 2000, in the presence of many great scholars, sufi saints, the family members of Hazrat, and general public, the man dared open the Qaber Shareef of the Hazrat Baba Khair Muhammad. The media published the news of the event thereby attracting many thousands at the spot. When he opened the grave, he announced loudly:
"Observe those of you who do not believe in the hidden dimension of Islam, and Observe those who believe and increase your faith. Let it be clear to everyone that Aulia Allah's lifes and deaths are not on equal footing with everyone else...".
Then, everyone smelled a great out-of-worldly fragrance. To their further suprise, the Hazrat was intact in his material body and appeared as if burried few hours ago. Everyone witnessed a living miracle. The Hazrat's beared was even wet as if he had performed Wuzu (ablution) before this ceremony. The strong roots of a nearby tree had engulfed Hazrat in such a way that they were protecting Hazrat from any damage of any kind. But of course, the roots themselves cannot be responsible for protecting the Saint for nearly half a century.
Now the new Mazar is situated at the graveyard opposite the road. Furthermore, the Hazrat's mazar is of a different kind. He is not burried inside the earth. He is resting on a platform on the earth and the solid grave is over him. We do not know why Hazrat ordered not to burry him. This 'temporay' arrangement is beyond our comprehension right now. But I believe:
...the Wali-ul-Allah is like a seed, grows to enormous dimensions when burried in the earth....
This seed had become the enormous Tree in the half century. The future, past, and present are all infront of them. There is no more better description of a Wali-ul-Allah than found in Qaseeda-e-Ghausia (authored in transcendent state by Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam Abdul Qadir Jillani, Rehmatullah). Those who want to know the power of the Friend of Allah, must read it's translation. As we have seen now that after 8 years, the road has expanded.
This man, Sufi Ashraf, left his job from PIA and has permanently offered himself for the service of this Wali-ul-Allah. If you wish to meet him, the map of the Mazar is provided. The Mazar closes at Maghrib prayers.

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