Friday, September 9, 2011

S. Abdul Qadir Gillani - Tariqa Qadiria

The Creator of this universe, Almighty ALLAH Subhanahu-wataala, HE is only One, Unique and Great. All the creations that exists, for example human beings, plants, birds, animals, the sun , the stars , the oceans and the moon, are signs of Almighty ALLAH�s subhanahu-wataala existence, power, strength, knowledge, and other attributes which can only be complete and comprehensive when referred to Almighty ALLAH subhanahu-wataala.

Almighty ALLAH Subhanahu-wataala, the most Exalted, created man for a noble purpose: to worship HIM Subhanahu-wataala and lead a virtuous life based on HIS teachings and guidance.
How would man know his role and the purpose of his existence unless he received clear and practical instructions of what Almighty ALLAH Subhanahu-wataala wants him to do? Almighty ALLAH Subhanahu-wataala, has completed and perfected the guidance of the rest of mankind by placing the mission of the propagation of religion upon the shoulders of HIS Holy Prophets which were thousands in number. Almighty ALLAH Subhanahu-wataala had chosen from every nation a Prophet or more to convey HIS Subhanahu-wataala Message to the people.

Last of the Holy Prophets of Almighty ALLAH Subhanahu-wataala, the final Prophet, is Hazrat Syedina Muhammad Rasulullah Salala-hu Alaihe wasallam , the spiritual and temporal head of Muslims and the entire universe.

The Prophet hood of Hazrat Syedina Muhammad Rasulullah Sallala hu Alaihe wasallam is the fundamental point of our faith, The Holy Faith that believes in the oneness of Almighty ALLAH Subhanahu-wataala , the Holy Book which is the Quran ul Kareem, the day of Qiyamah which is the Day of Judgment, the Holy Prophets Salala-hu Alaihe wasallam and the Holy Books from, before, the Holy Angels Alaihe Wassalam and the subsidiary incumbents of Islam.

The Holy Prophet Hazrat Syedina Muhammad Rasulullah Salala-hu Alaihe wasallam lived a simple and straight forward life. He Salala-hu Alaihe wasallam, demonstrated and completed the laws of moral, ethical, legal, and social conduct and all other matters of significance for the humanity at large.

Hazrat Syedina Muhammad Rasulullah Salala-hu Alaihe wasallam in his Holy Hadith once said,

Shariah is my words, Tariqat is my deeds, Haqeeqat is my spiritual states and Maarifat is my secrets.

After the physical departure of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Syedina Muhammad Rasulullah Salala-hu Alaihe wasallam from the physical world, the source for the propagation of Divine knowledge and spiritual stimulus were the respected companions of Hazrat Syedina Muhammad Rasulullah Salala-hu Alaihe wasallam like, Ameeril Moumineen Hazrat Syedina Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq Radhi Allahu Anhu, Ameeril Moumineen Hazrat Syedina Ummar ibn Al-Khattab Radhi Allahu Anhu, Ameeril Moumineen Hazrat Syedina Usman ibn Al-Affan Radhi Allahu Anhu, Ameeril Moumineen Hazrat Syedina Ali ibn Abi Talib Radhi Allahu Anhu, Hazrat Syedina Salman Al-Farsi Radhi Allahu Anhu and then the successors which were then followed by a system of Sainthood.
Ghausal Azam Hadhrat Syedina Wamaulana Abu Muhammad Muhyiuddin Abdul Qadir Al-Gillani Qaddasallahu Sirrahul Aziz, Radhi Allahu Anhu is the most prominent of holy saints of all ages since his times. He, Radhi Allahu Anhu is widely acknowledged and acclaimed as the sovereign of Wilayat-e-Muhammadia (Salala-hu Alaihe wasallam) and Saint of the Holy Saints. His high spiritual state , unreachable rank and indescribable position is the domain of Islamic spiritualism.
His influence on saints and sainthood is so great that all the saints take pride in associating themselves with him, Radhi Allahu Anhu. His life, thoughts and teachings are regarded as treasures full with esoteric and exoteric values.

Ghausal Azam Hadhrat Syedina Abdul Qadir Al-Gillani Radhi Allahu Anhu is the founder of the Holy Qadriah order which is the most tolerant and progressive spiritual order, distinguished by generosity, piety and humility.

The spiritually sanctified and trained devotees of Ghausal Azam Hazrat Syedina Abdul Qadir Al-Gillani Radhi Allahu Anhu played a major role in spreading Islam and Islamic spiritualism in regions, like, Africa, South East Asia, India, Pakistan, China, Southern and Eastern Europe.

The Qadriah order continuously spread from Baghdad to the different parts of the world throughout the last 860 years by the devotees particularly the Holy Saints who were connected with the chain of the holy family of Syed Abdul Qadir Gillani (May God be pleased with him).

One member of the holy family of Ghausal Azam Hazrat Syedina Abdul Qadir Al-Gillani Radhi Allahu Anhu is His Holiness Sultan al-Aouwliya Hazrat Syedina Tahir Allauddin Al-Qadri Al-Gillani Rahmatullahi Alaihe ,Radhi Allahu Anhu.

He, Radhi Allahu Anhu was an earnest propagator of the Qadriah Order and has imbibed within himself the virtues and characteristics of his ancestor, Ghausal Azam Hazrat Syedina Abdul Qadir Al-Gillani Radhi Allahu Anhu. He possessed the most fascinating personality and he worked for the dissemination of the real teachings of Islam and the Qadriah order.

This day, His three noble sons are

Hazrat Syedina Mahmood Mohyuddin Al-Qadri Al-Gillani MudhillahulAliy
Hazrat Syedina Abdul Qadir Jamaluddin Al-Qadri Al-Gillani Mudhillahulaliy
Hazrat Syedina Muhammad Ziauddin Al-Qadri Al-Gillani Mudhillahulaliy

are continuously promoting the teachings of Islam and Qadriah order. They are known for their patience and gratefulness, generosity and contentment. They are establishing a Center of Excellence for spiritual learning , which will be the finest of its kind in the Islamic world. This Center is under construction at the Darbar Ghousia Shareef (Hadhrat Syedina Tahir Allauddin Al-Qadri Al-Gillani Radhi Allahu Anhu) in Baghdad Town of Lahore, Pakistan.

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