Monday, September 5, 2011

In the Light of Quran & Hadith

"As for whoever exceeded the limits and preferred the life of this world, surely his abode will be the Fire; and as for whoever feared to stand before his Lord and restrained the desires of his self, surely his abode will be the Garden." (79:39-40)
Hazrat Yousef Siddiq Narrates;
“The Lord of all Heaven declares, When Allah Almighty bless humankind with His bestow ness psyche, He unveils the sins of His worshiper”
Also in the other versus, Allah the Creator Says to Prophet David PBUH:
“O David deem your psyche as your utmost enemy, because Allah’s divinity dwell in doom ship of your psyche”
The Nafs is by far the most important element in the cosmology of existence. It contains within it the worlds of the heart, the intellect, the drives and the witness. Allah Says:
"And there are signs within your souls" (Qur’an 21:51).
At the other versus about the psyche:
“We created man and we know what (evil) his mind and lower self suggest to him. And I am closer to him than his jugular vein’ (Qur’an 50:16).
Prophet Mohammad Peace be Upon Him (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) States:
“The person who identifies one’s own psyche, he shall over come the sins which process towards Allah. Those who known with mortality he discover the existence. Also this been state as, one who discover his lord with sovereignty."
Another Hadith States:
“When Allah intend guidance to His worshippers, so one sinner’s sins been high lightened.”
From all these Qur’anic versus and Hadiths any person completely cannot signify his psyche unless his spiritual head or leader empower with the depth ness of psyche. Hazrat Juanid Bagdadi narrates:
“Psyche manipulate your negotiations and the best way to over come is to govern your own psyche.”

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