Monday, September 5, 2011


The veracity of Essence is hidden. Nafs (or Nufûs) lexically means soul, the psyche, the ego, self, life, person, heart or mind. This can be known only by Aulia Allah (Saint). Meaning of Nafs: It has two meanings. First, it means the powers of anger and sexual appetite in a human being... and this is the definition mostly found among the people of Tassawuf [Sufis], who take "Nafs" as the comprehensive word for all the evil attributes of a person. The second meaning of Nafs is the soul, the human being in reality, his self and his person. However, it is described differently according to its different states. If it assumes calmness under command and has removed from itself the disturbance caused by the onslaught of passion, It is the core of experiential possibilities, but within it is the far greater reality of the ruh.

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