Monday, September 5, 2011


Authenticity of Bayat

In the Holy Quran Allah Says;
“Indeed Allah delighted from the believers when were implicated in Bayat beneath the tree – 26 Fatah 18
In other versus of Holy Quran, it states;
“Those who execute Bayat on your hand, execute the bayat on the hands of Allah”.
By the sayings of Hazrat Abdah bin Saaát Ansari Razi Allah narrates;
“The Bayat on the hands of Prophet Syedina Hazrat Mohammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) highlights, during all the hardship and temptation moments, we shall obey the command of Holy Prophet Peace be upon Him. We shall not hurdle or ambiguity in the decision of our leader.”
Therefore it has been proven that, to obtain Bayat is the Sunnah of Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
The companions of Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon Him) also have done the bayat, sometime on Jihad, or sometime on shift from one place to another in the line of faith, some time to battle with Kufars (disbelievers) some time to protected by the Shrik or sometime by the welfare of Muslims,
Therefore, to do Bayat is Sunnah of Allah last Apostle Hazrat Mohammad Peace be upon Him, and those misbelievers says as Shirk or Biedut, they deny the genuineness of Holy Quran and Sunnah of Holy Prophet Peace be Upon Him.

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